
torstai 3. syyskuuta 2015

Yleisnainen Marin: PÄIVÄ JÄTEKUKKONA

Tyypillinen aamu Yleisnainen Marinin kotijätteen lajittelukeskuksessa:

Kahvinkeittimen käytetty suodatinpussi biojätteeseen. Maidon viimeiset tirat kahviin, tölkin huuhtelu ja kuivaus ennen kartonkikierrätykseen taittoa. Rahkan metallikansi metalliboksiin, muovipurkki sekajätteeseen. Viimeisten suolakurkkujen metsästys ja purkin huuhtelu muiden lasijätteiden sekaan.

Aamupalaksi nautittu sanomalehti päätyy paperinkierrätykseen taloyhtiömme roskakatoksessa. Sieltä paperit ja muut viisi jätelaatikkoa huomaamattomasti tyhjentyvät tasaisin väliajoin. Lajittelun ansiosta tyhjennysvälimme saa olla varsin pitkä, jolloin hintakaan ei ole kummoinen.
Puolen tunnin päästä omista aamupalajätteistäni olen yksi jätekukkolaisista: jäteauton kuljettaja. Noista arjen sankareista ympäristön ja ihmisten hyvinvoinnin asialla. Pikkulasten superstaroista, joiden mukaan kunnianimitys ”jätekukko” ei ole lainkaan liioiteltu.

Kollegani Heikin (kuljettaja Heikki Markkanen) kanssa keskitymme työvuorossamme sekajätteen tyhjennyksiin noin kilometrin säteellä muailman navasta eli Kuopion torista. Kuopiolaisten kierrätyksestä vastaavan Jätekukon kuljetusurakoitsijan Sihvarin jäteautolla kierrämme taloyhtiöitä ja yritysten toimitiloja.  

Aloitamme kierroksen baarien roska-astioista, jotka ovat piilottaneet sekajätteensä jätesäkkeihin. Oikeaoppisen kierrätyksen jälkeen sekajäte olisi liki hajuton pussi kevyttä muovijätettä. Mutta nämä säkit painaa ja lemu paljastaa, että drinkkeihin on sipaistu sitruunaa. Jätekouru paljastaa, että seassa on tuhdisti maatuvaa jätettä. Eikä pelkästään heillä. Palsternakkaa, tomaattia, banaaninkuoria. Auton jätekontin pohjalla lilluu harmaa neste työvuoron alusta loppuun.

Meidän kolmekymppisten ja nuorempien on turha väittää, etteikö meitä olisi kasvatettu kierrätystietoisuudessa. Meitä on neuvottu jo esikoulussa lajittelemaan ruoantähteet omaan boksiin. Alakoulussa yllin oppitunnilla (ympäristö- ja luonnontieto) kerrottu biojätteestä valmistettavan multaa ja energiaa. Ja yläkoulussa lyöty tiukkaa faktaa, kuinka kaatopaikalle joutuva biojäte tuottaa ilmastomyrkky-metaania. Ja että sekajätteen seassa bio heikentää merkittävästi energiahyödynnettävän jätteen laatua.

Eikö maailman laadukkaimman koulutuksen saaneet kasvatit todellakaan ole vieläkään kokonaan siirtyneet ekotekoihin? Jo maalaisjärjelläkin ymmärtää, että kartongista, paperista, lasista ja metallista voi kierrättämällä tehdä uutta.

Panttipulloja ja -tölkkejä ei sentään juuri näy. Rahako motivoi kierrättämään? Kaikkeen jätteeksi päätyvään kannattaisi siis lisätä ns. jätepantti, joka palautuisi oikeaoppisen kierrätyksen yhteydessä. Silloin autoon ei päätyisi metallisia pullonkorkkeja, faksia muistuttavaa elektronista laitetta, jakkaran istuinosaa, avaamatonta maitopurkkia, lääkepulloja, pitsalaatikoita, vaatteita ja foliorullaa… Mitä kaikkea tänne tungetaan?

”Mitä vaan”, Heikki kohauttaa olkiaan. Ruumista ei ole löytynyt. Kaikkea muuta kyllä. Mutta sopimatonta jätettä ei jäteautojen kuljettajienkaan tarvitse kerätä.

Kuten Tulliportinkadun roskakatoksessa odottavia nojatuoleja. Sekajätteeseen kuulumatonta vaarallista jätettä tai suuria huonekaluja, elektroniikkaa, remppatarvikkeita…

Jätämme kaksikon nojailemaan katokseen ja kirjoitamme jäteautosta löytyvällä tietokoneella Jätekukon asiakaspalveluun asiakaspalveluilmoituksen sopimattomasta jätteestä. Tästä viesti välittyy taloyhtiön tietoon ja heidän toimesta jätekeskukselle tai kierrätykseen. Episodin lopuksi taloyhtiö saa rutkasti ylimääräisiä kustannuksia ja yhden asukkaan huolimattomuudesta maksaa kaikki taloyhtiön osakkaat.

Puolentunnin etäopiskelun jälkeen olen valmis ”jätekukoksi tunkiolle”.

Auto pysähdyksiin. Avainnippu mukaan ja laskeutuminen ulos. Portti auki. Paluu autoon. Peruutus kiinteistön roskapisteeseen. Ulos autosta. Kolmen sekajäteroskalaatikon rullaus tyhjennykseen. Yksi kerrallaan asetus telineen reunaan ja vivusta kippaukseen. Vihreästä napista jätteen kahmaisu auton uumeniin. Laatikot takaisin omille paikoilleen. Nousu sisälle autoon ja takaisin portin ulkopuolelle. Ulos autosta. Portti avaimella kiinni. Takaisin sisälle ja matkaan.

Opin nopeasti. Toimin hitaasti. Ammattilaisella toimenpide kestää vain pari minuuttia. Tottumatonta hikoiluttaa ja reidet laulaa hoosiannaa. Kukkoilu käy kuntoilusta. Onneksi on sentään kuun puoliväli. Loppukuusta muuttojäte kasvattaa työmäärää selvästi.

Ja kesä on aina talveen verrattuna helppo. Heikki tietää kertoa, että talvisin jäätynyt jäte murskautuu heikommin ja seitsemän tonnin jätesäiliö täyttyy nopeammin. Liukkaalla kelillä on vaarallisempaa suistua tieltä ja lumisilla kaduilla voi auto jäädä kiinni. Käsijarru voi jäätyä ja auto valua alamäkeen…

Ohjauskopissa kirjaamme tietokoneelle, missä on käyty ja tarkistetaan, minne vielä mennä. Kopissa korvat lepäävät moottorin ja mekaniikan jatkuvasta mölystä.

Peruutuspeilejä kolmeen eri suuntaan. Heikki hämmentää ketterällä ajotaidolla ahtaatkin välit ja mahdottomia peruutus- ja pysähdyspaikkoja jää vain muutamia. Päivän kiperin paikka löytyy asuintalon kellarista, jonne jäteauto on liian leveä peruuttaakseen. ”Vetopaikka”, jätekukkoslangilla. Niinpä roudaamme sekajätelaatikot kellarista työntämällä ylämäkeen kadulla odottavalle autolle. 

Kohdatun bio-kartonki-auton kuorma ei lemua mädänneeltä sitruunalta. Lokeroauton anatomiassa pahvi ja bio tai lasi ja metalli kipataan omiin säiliöihin. Lokeroauton kuljettajan mukaan paria tunnetusti törkystä kohdetta lukuun ottamatta kaupunkilaiset kierrättävät näihin päätyvät jätteet hyvin.

Kotona heittäydyn reporangaksi lattialle. Raskasta oli. Kun vuoden vaihteen jälkeen kaiken eloperäisen jätteen kaatopaikkakielto astuu voimaan, helpottaneekohan sitten.

Alan etsiä infolinkkiä tuttavilleni. Aikomuksenani on haastaa bioenergiavallankumoukseen ( Kun säpsähdän! Pihalta kuuluu tuttua kolinaa…

Kukkokollegahan se siellä! Vilkutan kuormalle. Tavataan taas energiana tai uusiotuotettuna materiaalina!

Yleisnaisen takaa löytyy teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaaja Anni Marin, joka teksteissään vahvasti heittäytyy jonkun kuopiolaisen saappaisiin tai Kuopion palvelua testaamaan.

Anni on autoton, älypuheliton, televisioton, lapseton Matkus-neitsyt, jolle on tunnusomaista ihmettely, heittäytyminen, kokeileminen. Anni lähtee liikkeelle avoimin ja leikkisin mielin.

38 kommenttia:

  1. Kuopio is a city located in Eastern Finland, known for its picturesque surroundings and unique cultural offerings. Here's a review of Kuopio based on some of its key aspects:

    Natural Beauty: Kuopio is situated amidst beautiful lakes and forests, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts. The city is on the shores of Lake Kallavesi, offering opportunities for swimming, boating, and fishing in the summer, and ice-skating and skiing in the winter. The nearby national parks and hiking trails provide a chance to explore Finland's stunning wilderness.

    Cultural Attractions: Kuopio boasts a rich cultural scene with several museums, galleries, and theaters. The Kuopio Art Museum, Kuopio Cultural History Museum, and Kuopio Natural History Museum are notable cultural institutions worth visiting. The city also hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year.

    Health and Wellness: Kuopio is famous for its commitment to health and wellness. It's home to the world-renowned Kuopio University Hospital and the Institute of Public Health, making it a hub for medical research and healthcare services. The city also promotes an active lifestyle with numerous sports facilities, including ice hockey and skiing centers.

    Local Cuisine: Finnish cuisine is well-represented in Kuopio. You can savor traditional Finnish dishes like Karelian pasties, pea soup, and various fish preparations. The city's restaurants offer a mix of international cuisines as well.

    Transportation: Kuopio has a well-developed transportation network. The Kuopio Airport provides connections to major Finnish cities, making it accessible by air. The city also has a good public transportation system, including buses and taxis.

    Education: Kuopio is a significant educational center in Eastern Finland. It houses the University of Eastern Finland, which attracts students from various parts of the country and the world. The university contributes to the city's vibrant academic and research environment.

    Quality of Life: Kuopio consistently ranks high in terms of quality of life in Finland. It offers a clean and safe environment, excellent healthcare, and a strong sense of community. The city's commitment to sustainability and the well-being of its residents is evident in its urban planning and policies.

    Festivals and Events: Kuopio hosts a variety of festivals and events throughout the year. The Kuopio Dance Festival, Kuopio Wine Festival, and Kuopio RockCock are some of the notable events that draw visitors and locals alike.

    Winter Activities: Winters in Kuopio are long and cold, but they offer a range of winter sports and activities. The region is known for its excellent cross-country skiing trails and ice-skating opportunities on frozen lakes.

    In summary, Kuopio is a city that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and a high quality of life. Whether you're interested in outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or simply enjoying a peaceful and clean environment, Kuopio has much to offer.Abogado de accidentes

  2. If you are looking for information or services related to the city of Kuopio, you can visit the official website directly at "" or contact the city administration through the provided contact information on their website. Government and municipal websites typically provide information about local services, events, and resources, but they may not have traditional user reviews like commercial products or services.

    If you have specific questions or need assistance related to Kuopio or its services, it's best to reach out to the city administration or relevant departments directly through their official channels.Abogado de Accidentes Camiones Virginia

  3. The text outlines the importance of understanding and addressing complex issues, focusing on the topics "Yleisnainen" and "Marin-päivä" in the 2021 budget, and "jätekukkona" in the current budget. The author suggests that the information provided is unclear and cannot provide a meaningful response. They are willing to provide more context or clarify questions to help further.truck accident injuries

  4. "Yleisnainen Marinin päivä jätelautakunta" is a Finnish phrase that translates to "Everywoman Marin's Day Waste Board." However, it is a combination of random words and does not convey a specific meaning. If you have a specific question or context related to this phrase, please provide more information. I am happy to generate more text for you by providing a prompt or specific topic. This will help me tailor the response to your needs. Here are some lines of text: The sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in a symphony of colors. The old bookstore on Elm Street holds secrets, while the sound of waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing backdrop. In the heart of the bustling city, a small garden blooms with colorful flowers, and the aroma of freshly baked bread draws people into the quaint bakery. The orchestra plays, transporting the audience to a world of enchanting melodies and harmonious notes. The ancient oak tree stands tall, its branches reaching towards the sky like ancient sentinels. The city skyline sparkles with lights, each representing a story waiting to be told. The old lighthouse stands proudly against the rugged cliffs, a beacon of hope for sailors at sea.Good Car Accident Attorney VA

  5. The passage discusses the daily routine and responsibilities of waste collectors in a city, highlighting the challenges and observations made by the writer about recycling and waste management practices. It also discusses the city of Kuopio, highlighting its natural beauty, cultural offerings, health and wellness, local cuisine, transportation facilities, educational institutions, quality of life, festivals, and winter activities. The text emphasizes the importance of proper waste management and the need for increased awareness and action regarding environmental sustainability. The comment provides a detailed overview of Kuopio, showcasing its diverse attractions, including natural beauty, cultural richness, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, transportation network, and various events and festivals. These portrayals paint a picture of responsible waste management practices intertwined with the unique offerings and charm of Kuopio in Finland. abogado inmobiliario

  6. abogados de divorcio de nueva jerseyThe narrative effectively conveys the importance of waste management, using clear language and engaging language to humanize the role of waste management professionals. The use of terms like "garbage people" and "garbage rooster" adds humor and humanizes the role of waste management professionals. The environmental consciousness of these individuals is commendable, emphasizing their crucial role in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. The personal connection of being the "driver of the garbage truck" after half an hour from breakfast waste adds a relatable level to the experience. The overall tone is positive and appreciative, shedding light on a job that may be overlooked but is vital for community well-being. The narrative flows well, with a smooth transition between stages for optimal readability. More descriptive details about the process or environment can enhance the reader's visualization and make the narrative more vivid. A brief conclusion or reflection could summarize key points and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

  7. abogado dui henrico vaThe text emphasizes the importance of proper waste management and the need for increased awareness and action regarding environmental sustainability. The comment provides a detailed overview of Kuopio, showcasing its diverse attractions, i

  8. Anni Marinin's short story "The Last Supper" explores themes of love, friendship, and the importance of a good meal. The story covers various aspects, such as ethics, humor, and social interaction, and uses humor to express the author's personal perspective on the world. The story also emphasizes the importance of a good meal and the role of the reader in achieving it. The story also highlights the importance of a good meal and the role of the reader in achieving it. The story also touches on the importance of a good meal and the role of the reader in achieving it. estate lawyer near me

  9. alexandria traffic lawyerThe environmental consciousness of these individuals is commendable, emphasizing their crucial role in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. The personal connection of being the "driver of the garbage truck" after half an hour from breakfast waste adds a relatable level to the experience. The overall tone is positive and appreciative, shedding light on a job that may be overlooked but is vital for community well-being.

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  11. abogado testamentarioThe personal connection of being the "driver of the garbage truck" after half an hour from breakfast waste adds a relatable level to the experience. The overall tone is positive and appreciative, shedding light on a job that may be overlooked but is vital for community well-being.

  12. Anni Marinin's text focuses on the importance of justice and fairness in the context of environmental issues. It emphasizes the role of justice and fairness in addressing environmental issues and promoting environmental awareness. Marinin also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing environmental issues, as well as the need for environmental awareness and responsible use of vehicles. The text also highlights the importance of environmental responsibility and the responsibility of individuals to ensure environmental health. Marinin's text also addresses the issue of environmental degradation, particularly when it comes to the role of environmental activists and the need for environmental awareness. The text is a call for action and a call for everyone to contribute to environmental health. fairfax divorce lawyers

  13. I recently came across this insightful article on the importance of General Marin Paivä as an annual event, and I couldn't agree more! It's fantastic to see such a strong emphasis placed on community involvement and environmental awareness. The idea of using games as a platform for learning about marine conservation is truly innovative and inspiring. Kudos to everyone involved in making this day a success year after year!
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  14. uncontested divorce lawyer arlington va The overall tone is positive and appreciative, shedding light on a job that may be overlooked but is vital for community well-being. The narrative flows well, with a smooth transition between stages for optimal readability. More descriptive details about the process or environment can enhance the reader's visualization and make the narrative more vivid.

  15. Incredible insights and engaging storytelling! "Yleisnainen Marin päivä jäteukkona" captures the essence of community service and environmental responsibility. It’s inspiring to see such dedication to making a tangible difference. A must-read for anyone passionate about sustainability and community impact!

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  16. The way that Yleisnainen Marin is being depicted in the media—as a dumpster—is alarming. Such disparaging rhetoric reinforces negative stereotypes and damages journalism's credibility. Regardless of their political stance, it is critical that the media maintain moral principles and treat everyone with dignity. Not only does demonizing public individuals diminish speech, but it also erodes democratic values. To promote a constructive and well-informed public discourse, journalists must place a high priority on accuracy, objectivity, and fairness in their reporting.
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  17. northern virginia divorce lawyerhe story covers various aspects, such as ethics, humor, and social interaction, and uses humor to express the author's personal perspective on the world. The story also emphasizes the importance of a good meal and the role of the reader in achieving it. in certain situations, you may be able to file for a divorce successfully on your own - without an attorney representing you. This is particularly important for folks with low incomes, who really can't afford to hire an attorney.

  18. The blog "A Day as a Waste Cock" offers a unique and humorous perspective on the daily life and challenges faced by sanitation workers, affectionately referred to as "waste cocks." Through engaging storytelling and vivid descriptions, the blog sheds light on the often overlooked but essential role these workers play in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in our communities. bankruptcy lawyer chapter 7 near me

  19. "General Woman Marin: A Day as a Waste Cock" is a daring and thought-provoking piece that delves into unconventional themes with a bold narrative approach. The article explores the concept of personal identity and societal roles through an imaginative lens, offering a unique perspective that challenges conventional norms. Its provocative title and content spark meaningful reflection and discussion on issues related to waste, self-worth, and societal expectations.
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  20. "General Woman Marin: A Day as a Waste Cock" is a daring and thought-provoking piece that delves into unconventional themes with a bold narrative approach. The article explores the concept of personal identity and societal roles through an imaginative lens, offering a unique perspective that challenges conventional norms. Its provocative title and content spark meaningful reflection and discussion on issues related to waste, self-worth, and societal expectations.
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  21. Yleisnainen Marin Päivä Jätekukkona showcases a creative and eco-conscious approach! Your initiative brings attention to important environmental issues in a unique and engaging way. By reimagining waste as art, you're inspiring others to rethink their relationship with discarded materials. This project beautifully combines sustainability, creativity, and community engagement. Keep up the innovative work! How to apply for a Divorce in New York

  22. divorce lawyer in hampton vaThe environmental consciousness of these individuals is commendable, emphasizing their crucial role in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. The personal connection of being the "driver of the garbage truck" after half an hour from breakfast waste adds a relatable level to the experience. The overall tone is positive and appreciative, shedding light on a job that may be overlooked but is vital for community well-being.By providing legal advice, representing clients in court, negotiating settlements, protecting their rights, managing emotions, and maintaining confidentiality, divorce lawyers from Vakilsearch can help clients achieve a successful outcome in their divorce case

  23. The text emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting the rights of others, particularly in the context of the use of technology. It highlights the role of technology in promoting environmental and social justice, and the need for a balanced approach to promoting these rights. The text also discusses the concept of 'heikki', a person who is unable to use technology, and the importance of 'heikki' in promoting ethical behavior. The text also discusses the importance of 'heikki' in promoting ethical behavior, and the need for a balance between 'heikki' and 'heikki' in promoting ethical behavior. long island wrongful death attorney

  24. "What a refreshing read! This article beautifully highlights the strength and resilience of women in leadership roles. It's inspiring to see Sanna Marin's journey and the impact she's making. Her dedication and vision are truly commendable, setting a powerful example for future generations." How long Divorce Takes in New York

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  26. "Yleisnainen Marin Päivä Kotiaitina" is a relatable and engaging story about a stay-at-home parent's daily life. The author's attention to detail and themes of balance, identity, and community support resonate with readers. The story effectively balances humor and authenticity in parenting. loudoun traffic lawyer Your trusted advocate with a proven track record in navigating legal challenges. Committed to securing justice and delivering results for every client, every time.

  27. personal injury lawyer virginia beachThe article explores the concept of personal identity and societal roles through an imaginative lens, offering a unique perspective that challenges conventional norms. Its provocative title and content spark meaningful reflection and discussion on issues related to waste, self-worth, and societal expectations.A personal injury lawyer in Virginia Beach can help you recover compensation for an accident that caused you injury. They can help you navigate the legal system and increase your chances of a favorable outcome. Some of the things a personal injury lawyer

  28. The text suggests a review or comment on "O-Cético: Ceticismo Localizado" based on themes of skepticism and localized skepticism. It emphasizes questioning assumptions and beliefs in specific contexts, encouraging critical thinking and understanding complex issues. reckless driving lawyer loudoun county Fighting for your rights, one case at a time. With a proven track record and unwavering dedication, I turn legal challenges into victories. Let's navigate the law together!

  29. The piece highlights the daily waste management routine and environmental challenges associated with recycling practices, focusing on the commitment of workers like Marin and Heikki. However, it could benefit from rephrasing the title to "A Day in the Life of a Recycling Worker" or "Waste Management Heroes: A Day in the Life." The narrative voice emphasizes the human role in sustainability, but some sentences could be simplified for better readability. The passage also provides educational insights on the impact of improper recycling and vivid imagery. Immigration Lawyer Colombia

  30. "Yleisnainen Marin: PÄIVÄ JÄTEKUKKONA" offers a humorous yet impactful reflection on waste management and environmental responsibility. Through ||How to Get Divorced in New York||How to apply for a Divorce in New York the playful narrative of Marin's day as a "waste queen," it emphasizes the importance of personal action in tackling everyday waste issues.

  31. General Woman Marin: A Day as a Waste Cock offers a bold and unconventional narrative that challenges societal norms and explores themes of identity and agency. Marin’s journey through an absurd and gritty world is both provocative and thought-provoking, blending dark humor with sharp social commentary. The story’s raw, unapologetic tone may not appeal to everyone, but its unique perspective and fearless approach to taboo subjects make it a standout piece of experimental fiction.
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  32. prostitution ring bust A generic description of a woman from Marin County can highlight her ties to the progressive ideals and scenic beauty that characterize the region. Just north of San Francisco, Marin County is renowned for its verdant scenery, which includes forests, rolling hills, and views of the coast. A woman from Marin might be quite fond of outdoor pursuits like hiking, biking, and beach enjoyment. She probably supports local organic food markets and environmentally conscious companies because she values sustainability, environmental activism, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

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  38. "A Day as a Garbage King" can offer a fascinating and perceptive look at the vital but frequently disregarded function of garbage management in society. In this story, Marin, who may be a fictional or symbolic "Garbage King," is in charge of collecting and managing rubbish for a day. A number of topics, including social awareness, environmental consciousness, and accountability, could be covered in the narrative.what is a federal military sex crime conviction.
